Definition of Letter bomb

1. Noun. A thin explosive device inside an envelope or package and detonated when opened.

Exact synonyms: Package Bomb, Parcel Bomb
Generic synonyms: Bomb

2. Verb. Send an explosive to. "The Unabomber letter bombed a number of individuals and institutions"
Generic synonyms: Bomb, Bombard

Definition of Letter bomb

1. Noun. An explosive device sent through the post, triggered to explode when the letter or packet is opened. ¹

2. Noun. (computing) A virus contained within an email or similar file. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Letter Bomb

lets down
lets loose
lets off
lets one's hair down
lets out
letter agreement
letter art
letter blindness
letter bomb
letter bombs
letter bond
letter box
letter carrier
letter carriers
letter case
letter grade
letter grades
letter of attorney
letter of comfort
letter of credit
letter of intent
letter of mark and reprisal
letter of marque

Literary usage of Letter bomb

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Racist Violence in the United Kingdom by Carl Haacke, Human Rights Watch (1997)
"On December 1, 1994, Gerry Gable, the editor of Searchlight, and a leading investigator into fascist organizations was sent a letter bomb, which was ..."

2. Conspicuous Destruction: War, Famine, and the Reform Process in Mozambique by Human Rights Watch (Organization)., Human Rights Watch (Organization (1992)
"In August 1982, the prominent South African exile, Ruth First, was murdered by a letter bomb sent to her at Eduardo Mondlane University in an action later ..."

3. New Dictionary of South African Biography by E. J. Verwey, Nelson Mandela (1995)
"Following a UNESCO conference at the centre in 1982, First was killed by a letter bomb widely believed to have originated from military sources within South ..."

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